Making Babies With Marie

Title:  Making Babies With Marie
Author:  Terri
Rating:  R
Disclaimer:  I don't own anyone.  Darn.
Archive:  Sure, ask and I'll say yes.
Feedback:  Please?  With a cherry on top?
Summary:  Sequel to Moving Out With Marie.  Logan and Marie get right to work on the baby plan and get more than one surprise along the way.
Comments:  This is dedicated to Caroline, who asked to be godmother and who has a character named after her here.  She'll show up more later on ;)  And look-I made a NiceHelpfulJean!  Just remember that the next time my Jean issues surface.


There's a lotta good reasons why Marie and me should probably be worried about having kids.  As soon as we made our decision, we put a call in to Jeannie to ask her what she thought - you know, the medical perspective.  What about Marie's mutation?  What did she think the best way to, uh, deliver the sperm was?  What were the risks to the baby and to Marie?

Well, long story short-nobody really knows.  Jeannie made some guesses, and she was helpful with question number two there, but that's it.  We're just going to hafta try it and see.  Which might bother me-God knows I get up any time there's a threat to Marie of any kind-if I didn't have such a good feeling about this.  It feels right, it feels like it's going to work.  Now, there's just the little matter of actually getting my wife pregnant.

Jeannie offered to have us come down and do a whole artificial insemination thing, but I think we'll try to get the job done on our own first.  I got a few ideas-and I feel pretty confident that my boys are good swimmers.  Marie was on board with that plan.  The only thing she wouldn't let me try was poking a pin-sized hole in a condom.  She was too afraid it'd break, and I'd get hurt.  Well, I wouldn't have minded that risk-a few days on my back to get us some babies going would be fine.  But she doesn't like it, so that's a no-go.

So we've been trying for about a month.  Jeannie said that if we don't have any success in about six months, to think about coming down to see her.  My bet is on three months.  It'll take about a month for Marie to know she's pregnant, and I give myself eight weeks to get the job done.  Jeannie said that we had the best chance on the days Marie was ovulating, and she suggested this whole complicated tracking system involving calendars and temperature readings to find the most fertile days.  Marie was actually listening to all that.  But then I said wouldn't it be simpler to just do it all the time, every day?  Marie blushed, I think just 'cause Jeannie heard that over the phone, but she never did buy a thermometer.

It hasn't been a bad life, I'll tell ya that.  Hunting, which I love, building stuff-mostly furniture for us and the kid-which I'm reasonably good at, and having sex with my wife, which I excel at, if I do say so myself.  Three, sometimes four times a day or more, however much she's up for.  Because honestly, if you left it up to me, I'd go at it constantly.  Marie-she needs sleep and stuff.

"Um, Logan?"

"Yeah, honey?"  Maybe she wants to do it right now.  'Cause it's only been three times today. 

"I don't want you to get too excited or anything, but- I-I'm late."

"Late?  Already?"

"Uh, yeah.  I was supposed to start three days ago."  She's late.  Late equals baby.  That-that was quick.  "I mean, it could still be just a quirk, you know, but-but I'm late."

"Three days ago-that's-why didn't you say anything until now?"  I should have been keeping closer track of her cycle, but I didn't really think about that and I've been preoccupied with all the sex and-

"Oh, I didn't want to get your hopes up too soon.  But I've never been three days late.  I think-I think I might be pregnant."

"That'd mean that one of the first times we did it."


"Heh."  She's-why is she looking at me like that?  Oh yeah, I must look pretty smug right about now.  "Well, what can I say?  I knew I'd be able to do it."  I'm the man.  I'm the baby-making man.  Uh-huh.

"I didn't have any doubts there, sugar.  I'm just-I was a little worried about me.  But I feel OK, and everything seems, you know, normal." 

"Look-"  I know she's nervous that something will go wrong and that her skin will make her lose the baby or hurt it somehow.  That's-well, something's just telling me that's not going to happen.  "-it's all going to work out.  Trust me."

"You think?"  She's running a hand over her tummy-I bet she doesn't even know she's doing it.  God, she looks so beautiful right now. 

"Yeah.  C'mere."  Gonna sit her in my lap and let her curl up and lean back on me.  She likes doing that a lot.  "We're gonna have a baby.  A little bitty baby that's all yours and mine. Everything's going to work out perfectly, I promise."

"What if it doesn't?"

"Then we'll deal with it, OK?  But I'm telling you, it's all going to be fine."  The priority here is Marie.  If something-God forbid, but if something does go wrong, I gotta take care of her first.  I don't mean to sound harsh, and I'll love the hell out of our kids, but if something happens here, we can make more babies.  There's no way to make another Marie.

"That's great news!"  I can hear Jeannie screeching over the phone to Marie.  With the volume turned way down.  From across the room.  Sheesh, you'd think it was her baby or something.

"Yes, well, uh, thanks.  And everything seems OK so far.  I am-I'm a little worried, but it seems to be going OK so far."  We waited another week before telling Jeannie, just to be sure.  I started being able to smell it on about the eighth day, so that made me extra-sure.  She smells like her whole body chemistry is changing, which it probably is.

"Keep taking those vitamins I sent.  And get lots of protein.  And calcium.  And folic acid, especially in the first few months.  And-eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.  And get a lot of sleep.  You need to just focus on taking care of yourself, Rogue."

"OK.  Will do."  She knows I can hear all that from over here, but she's looking at me to make sure I'm paying attention.  I am, but I know how to take care of her and the baby.  Animal instincts are good for a lotta things.

"I'm so happy for you.  I'm just so happy for you both!"  More screeching. 

"Thanks.  Thanks, Jean.  I-I'd better go.  We'll call you to check in.  Thanks for all your help.  We-we really appreciate it."  Yeah, whatever.  Now get off the phone, honey, 'cause it's been almost ten hours since we last had sex.  I get a little cranky when we go too long without it lately.  Got used to doing it all the time.

"No problem-and Rogue-call the midwife, call Caroline when you get a chance."  Jeannie suggested a mutant midwife who works in Alberta.  Said to call her and give her the due date, to make arrangements to have her deliver the baby here if we didn't want to go back to the mansion.  Jean said she'd come out too, just in case, but baby-delivering wasn't her specialty.  I'd just as soon have it be only Marie and me when the kid comes into the world, but I guess it's a good idea to have them around in case there's trouble.

"I will.  Bye Jean, and thanks."  Good.  She's off the phone.  We can have sex now.  "She seems to think it's working out OK so far.  I mean, she didn't sound worried or anything."

"See?  Nothing to worry about.  So, uh, wanna go to bed now?"

She's smiling, and I think that means yes.  You know, come to think of it, I don't think she's ever said no to me.  "Oh, you're very subtle."  She's still headed this way, so that's not putting her off.  Heh.  I think she likes doing it all the time as much as I do.  "But I suppose I could come over there.  You know, just for a minute.  I mean, it *has* been nine hours."

"I'll need more than a minute, darlin'.  And it's been ten hours."  Oh yeah, big smile.  Come on over here, baby.

"Sorry.  Sorry." 

"No problem."  She's been throwin' up for almost two weeks now.  She's five weeks in, and it's been kinda rough on her.  But once she gets past the morning, her stomach usually settles some.  I just make sure she makes it to the toilet or the front door, and hold her hair back while she pukes.  It's not pretty, but actually, if this is the worst thing that she hasta go through, that'll be fine by me.  "You OK?"

"Mmm-hmmm.  Could use some water." Jeannie said to make sure she gets lots of water, and to make her eat enough even if she doesn't feel like it sometimes.

"All right.  You just sit down on the bed a second, and I'll go get it.  Here, lemme help ya get-"  Oh, shit.  Is that-yeah, it is.

"Logan?  What's wrong?"  She's gripping my arms a little tighter, and when she talked, I couldn't hear it for a second, but-yeah, yeah, I think it is.  "Logan?"  I'm sure it is.

"Guess what I hear?"  She's about to get a big surprise.  But I hafta say, I'm not that surprised.  I've got some strong little guys.  No problem making babies with my guys.

"The heartbeat?"  Started hearing that about a week ago, real strong.  Could catch it before, if I put my head up against her body.  Sometimes, though, it sounded like it had an echo or something.  I didn't mention it to Marie 'cause it could've been nothing, or I could've been having trouble separating her heartbeat from the baby's.  But now-I'm pretty sure. 

"Two of 'em."  Oh-oh.  Her eyes got VERY big. 


"Uh-huh.  You've got two of 'em in there, darlin'.  Toldya we wouldn't have any problems making some little ones."  Just gonna rub her tummy a little.  Maybe it'll make her feel better, and I wanna let the little guys know their daddy's on to them.  Heh. 

"Oh my God.." 

"Now, don't worry-we'll handle two just fine.  There's two of us, right?  And-"

"Logan-we're-we're going to have twins!"

"Yeah.  Ain't it great?  Two kids, right off."  Why's she looking at me like I grew another head or something?  "What?  You said you wanted to have lots of kids, right?"

"I said maybe.  I said maybe lots of kids.  I said let's have one at a time.  One baby at a time, Logan. But oh no, your sperm just didn't listen, did they?  Now, we're going to have two little, tiny babies dependent on us for everything and-breast feeding!  What about that? I wanted to try pumping breast milk for the baby, but what if I don't have enough for two?  And stuff-we're going to need twice as much of everything and the budget we have now isn't-"

"OK, OK, all right."  She's starting to get all worked up, and it's over nothing, really.  Her and me-we can handle two of 'em.  They're just little, right?  We got that covered.  "Let's not get all worried.  This is a good thing.  It's a very good thing.  We're going to have two little babies.  It's all good.  We can do this."

"I'm sorry."  Oh-oh.  Tears.  Something I said in there wasn't quite right.  Either that, or it's hormones.  Marie calls it the emotional roller-coaster, and that pretty much sums it up.  "It's not that I don't want them, I just-it's a little overwhelming already and-"

"Shhh."  Just gonna hold her close, rock her a little.  Got my three-person family right here, and I'm going to take care of things.  "It's all right.  I know you're a little scared.  It's a lot, but we can handle it.  Everything's going to be just fine, baby, it is.  And in a few months, we're going to have double the babies we thought.  That's like, I dunno, double the good stuff, OK?  It's fine."

"O-OK."  She tries to buck up, she really does.  Even with the puking and the crying and the fatigue, she's a gamer.  Well, it is gonna be OK.  I'm going to make sure of that.  I'll just pull her hair away and-fuck!  Fuck, she twitched, and I got her skin and-and-

"Logan!"  And nothing happened.  Not a thing.  "Did you-you-  "  Not a blessed thing.  And I was in contact with it long enough, I was.  "My skin-it didn't-did it  -  Logan?" 

"Sit still, Marie.  Let me try something."  'Cause if it's off, if there's some way I can touch her, holy God, that would be just-just-

"Logan, don't-we-we don't know what's going on and-"

"Shhh.  Sit still.  Trust me."  I'm not going to let anything bad happen.  No way.  If it doesn't work, I'll pull back right away.  Immediately.  But I gotta know.  She's shaking.  She's scared.  But something's telling me this is going to work out OK, and my instincts have been dead on with the whole pregnancy thing so far.  I knew we could make a baby, I knew Marie and the baby would be fine.  I know this too.

"Oh."  Just tracing one finger, just one finger, across her bare cheek.  Nothing.  Well, nothing bad.  Her skin is pretty soft and smooth.  Even moreso than I thought.  "Logan, it's-it's off.  I think it's off.  Oh, God, I-mmmm!"  Couldn't wait.  Had to kiss her.  Wanted to taste her like this, without something always between us, for so damn long. 

"Marie."  Don't really want to break away from her now, but I want to look at her, to see her face.  This is-this is all she's ever wanted and I think being pregnant, us making a baby together-I think that's what gave this to her.  "I can touch you."

"Yeah."  I've never seen her this happy, this radiant.  "Make love to me.  Right now, right-mmmph!"  Hell yeah.  Now.

"I don't know what it is, Jean-no, no I haven't tried touching anyone else."  Naked.  All naked all the time.  That's the new house rule.  Well, at least until the kids are old enough to notice or something.  Naked cooking, naked cleaning, and naked talking on the phone.

"Well, I *did* call you as soon as possible.  We, uh, we had some things to do first."  Yeah, two whole days worth.  The very first thing I had to do was taste her-no cloth, nothing between me and her.  And you know, she tasted just the same, but the feeling of sliding my tongue in and out and all around her-God, that was spectacular.  Couldn't stop for the longest time.  She let me go on and on for while, but then she got impatient all of a sudden.  Said she couldn't wait another single second to taste me. 

"Yes, yes, I'm sure."  That did something to me, I don't mind telling ya.  She had me on my back lickety-split (no pun intended) and I was gone in just a few seconds.  Literally.  She wrapped her mouth around me, and I was already halfway gone.  Then it was her turn-she couldn't pull herself away from me.  Lucky for me the healing factor kicks in at times like that. 

"Well, I guess that's possible.."  I'm not gonna be able to hold off too much longer right now.  Just thinking about being inside her-so tight, so soft, so hot-God, I'm getting hard for her all over again.  And we've already had four good go-rounds this morning.  Not enough.  Never enough.

"I don't know, I don't really want to try it, Jean.  It could be risky and-well, as long as I can touch Logan.."  Hell yeah, you can touch Logan.  All you want, baby.  Maybe I'll just go over and get beside her a little.  Those shoulders are just begging to be kissed.  "OK, OK, tomorrow, though, all right?"  And there's no way I can keep my hands off those breasts.  They're a little fuller now that she's pregnant, and they look so cute, all round and-"Whenever.  Um, Jean, I've got to-I've got to go now.  Bye."

"Come back to bed, darlin'."  If she's getting to tired to walk, I can carry her.  "Come on."

"Jean's coming tomorrow.  I'm-she thinks I should try-unnh!-try touching her to find out if-oh!-if-if it's just you or."

"Marie?"  As much as I hate to break this up, here's one of those things we should talk about a little.  "What if-what does Jeannie think it is?"

"Well, it seems to be related to the pregnancy."  God, she's as bad as I am.  Can't keep her hands from running all over me even when she's talking about something serious.  "She thinks it might be somehow related to the chemical or hormonal changes.  She doesn't think it's off, she thinks it's just you that can touch me."  Yeah, she can see what that's doing to me.  Just me, just me touching her-I want her to be free of the skin thing, but I have to admit that if it's just me, I won't be displeased by that at all.  I can touch her all the time, give her everything she needs.  "No more-no more talking, Logan.  Jean'll be here soon enough and-oh!"

"Yeah.  Let's go back to bed."

"Hold still.  This'll pinch a little."  Jeannie's taking blood and doing all kinds of tests to try to figure it out.  But she's saving the touch thing for last.  Guess it makes sense-if she's out for a while, she won't be able to take blood and stuff.  And Scooter sure as hell don't know how to do that medical stuff. 


"Grrrr..uh, sorry."  I don't know if it's her being pregnant with my children or me being able to touch her now or what, but even the slightest little injury to her gets me growling.  Sure, I always felt like growling when stuff like that happened before, but now I can't even control it.  It just pops right out.

"Uh, sure.  Well, that's the last of it.  Rogue, are you ready?"  I'm just gonna hold on to her while she does this.  One-so I can pull her back from Jeannie if something goes wrong.  Two-so I can feel and hear her heartbeat and the kids' to make sure it's not hurting her.  And three-'cause I haven't been able to let her outta my arms since I could touch her.  Just can't. 

"I'm ready."  Reaching out her bare hand to Jeannie.  Scooter looks pretty damn apprehensive, and I feel for him.  He volunteered to do it, but Rogue would get his powers, and we'd have a pretty nice open skylight in the house if that happened.  "Pull back if you feel anything at all, right away."

"I will, Rogue.  Now just relax, all right?"  Jeannie's doing real good-putting her at ease even though I can smell her fear about touching Rogue.  She'll be OK, though.  Scooter and I are both here to pull them apart.  "Here we go."

Shit!  That was-shit!  "Jean?" 


That was not even a full second, and it started.  Well, fuck.  Fuck.  I think Jeannie didn't get it too bad, though.  I think she's OK.  "Jeannie?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm all right.  Just reallywoozy.."

"Just lie down, Jean, I've got you."  Poor Scooter.  I know how I'd be feeling.  "Rogue-are you all right?"

"Yes."  But she's crying-'cause she hurt Jeannie.  "I'm so sorry."

"It's OK, darlin', Jeannie's fine, you're fine, and now we know.  Right?"  Help me out here, Jeannie, make her feel better.

"He's right-I'm just-I'm just so sorry it's not off.  I was hoping"  She's feeling OK now.  It was just a quick jolt, not too much at all.  Scooter and I pulled back immediately.  Whew.  Well-whaddya know? He is good for something besides bothering the shit outta me.

"Me too.  But I'm just so grateful it works with Logan.  I'm just.."  More tears.  But she really, really means that, she does.  If there was one person she could pick to touch, it'd be me, and it is.  God, I love her so much.  I'm so in love with her right now.

"It's all right, darlin'.  We'll figure it all out.  Don't worry, don't worry."

Well, Jeannie did figure it out-kinda.  She thinks that since my genetic material is mixing with Marie's inside her body-making the babies-that her skin got fooled into thinking I'm part of her.  Makes sense.  And the good news is that Jeannie thinks it might stay that way-Marie's body might keep thinking that way even after she has the babies.  But there's no telling for sure.  I told Marie if her skin turns back on with me after the babies come out, then, well, we're gonna be having a lotta kids.  We're gonna be like the mutant Brady Bunch or something, because I gotta touch her.  If there's any way at all to do it, I've gotta touch her.

"Logan, sugar?  What're you up to?"

"Be right in."  I know she's naked in there right now, but I'm almost done.  And it'll be a nice surprise for her.  You know, I thought about making it just like the first one, but I don't think they're identical, just 'cause their heart beats are a little different.  I bet they're fraternal.  Which means it's partly on her too-two eggs-it's not just my sperm that decided to split the egg or something.  I'm not really sure how all that works, but I think it's partly on her too. 

"Lo-gan.I'm getting lonely."  She's in a little better mood now.  Either that or those hormones are kicking up and she's getting horny.  Heh.  Either way.

"Coming, baby."  I hope she likes it.  She liked the other one, so-

"Oh!  It's-you made another crib!"

"Well, I figured we'll need two."

"But this one's got-it's got flowers carved on it. you know something I don't know?"

"Nah.  Just a guess."  After all instincts only tell you so much.  "But it'd sure be nice to get a boy and a girl, dontcha think?"

"As long as they're healthy."

"They're gonna be the best babies ever."  Love that look on her-gonna have to put the crib down and get in bed with her.  Right now.

"You're a little biased, sugar."

"Hey, Marie-"  I don't think I've really told her this since the whole skin thing, but I've been meaning to.  I think it's important for her to know, and I'm not so sure she does.  "-whatever happens, you know, with your mutation-whatever happens, I'll always love you baby."

"Me too.  Me too."  I hope those kids get her eyes and her smile and her-"Now come to bed, sugar.  I've been waiting.  I need you.  Come on."

Hormones, definitely.  I can almost smell 'em now that I'm real close to her.  You know, this pregnancy thing-it's not all bad. 


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