Pick Your Poison - Chapter One

Title:  Pick Your Poison
Author:  Terri
E-mail:  xgrrl26@yahoo.com
Rating:  PG-13 (this chapter only)
Disclaimer:  I don't own any of them, except Jack and
Mary.  They're groovy, so I'll be keeping them :)
Archive:  WRFA, Mutual Admiration, Peep Hut, everyone
else, please ask and I'll say sure ;)
Feedback:  Please!  With a cherry on top?  Good, bad,
and ugly welcome, but be forewarned that flames will
be publicly mocked ;)
Summary:  Marie and Logan set up their own version of
the X-mansion.
Comments:  You'll notice something you've never seen
before in one of my fics  a '?' standing in for the
terminal chapter number.  Now, don't get me wrong, I
like works in progress.  But I've never liked to write
them myself  I just don't have enough confidence that
I won't write myself into a corner or that I won't get
halfway through and think  ah, this is crap, back to
square one.  But Keli, deeply evil woman that she is,
challenged me to do a WIP with a twist  let the
readers decide where the story goes.  So, at the end
of each chapter, you'll see a few choices about what
will happen next.  The direction of the story will be
decided by popular vote.  I'll try to get a chapter
out every few days or so.  It's kind of an experiment,
so bear with me :)  Please send your votes for the
next chapter to me privately (and feel free to write
in a choice if you don't like the ones listed  in the
case of a tie vote, random plot bunnies may be written
instead!) and let me know if you think this is a good
idea or not....I'm completely willing to drop it if it
starts to suck :)


They'd come to the middle-of-nowhere bar at Jack's
request.  Ever since Logan had stopped through with
the girl about two years ago, on their way out of
Westchester, Jack had been on the lookout for muties,
usually kids, that might be in trouble.  Logan had
made it clear he'd take in anyone who was in a bad
spot, and gave further instructions that anyone who
came around from New York was to be shown the door if
they tried to snatch up the kid in question.  Logan
said that he'd bought a place out west and built a big
house on it, a house with plenty of room for 'guests.'
Jack didn't know all the details, but he suspected
that Logan was hosting more than a few guests at the
moment.  In the past year, he'd called Logan to come
and pick up two kids.  He didn't know how many others
Logan ran across as he traveled the circuit or how
many that doctor he'd hooked up with, Hank, brought
in, but he would wager there were now half a dozen or
more kids staying at the Wolverine's house. 

Nobody would've thought that a guy like that would
turn into some kind of surrogate daddy to mutie kids,
Jack thought as he watched Logan and the girl enter.
Then again, Jack reflected as Logan kissed the girl's
head and gave her a gentle shove in the direction of
the bar, love can change any man, even one like the

At first, Jack wasn't sure what the deal was between
Logan and the girl.  The first time they came in,
Logan fought, and the girl parked herself beside the
bar.  Jack tried to make conversation, but she only
answered in smiles and nods.  It didn't take long to
figure out that something was wrong - that she either
wouldn't or couldn't talk.  Jack thought then that
maybe she was Logan's sister or a relative of some
sort, that he was looking out for her.  It didn't take
long, though, to notice Logan touching her like a
lover - nothing inappropriate, but gentle touches, his
hand always on the small of her back, the way she
relaxed at his touch - they all gave the game away. 

Jack, being from the 'live and let live' school,
figured it was none of his business if the girl was
more than a little messed up and way too young to be
hooked up with Logan.  When they kept coming back to
the bar together over the following months, Jack found
himself taking a liking to the couple, befriending
Logan (his practical side said that it never hurt to
be on good terms with the most dangerous man in the
province) and trying to communicate a little with the
girl.  She still never spoke, but her eyes were
animated, and she would sometimes pantomime what she
was trying to get across.  Jack never asked her name
and Logan never offered any explanations, so he
contented himself to just enjoy her company.  She had
a way of bringing a little brightness to the place,
and Jack thought that was a rare and good thing. 

They both strolled up to the bar, next to the girl
Jack had called about.  All he'd been able to get out
of her was that her name was Mary.  Probably an alias,
and not a very creative one at that, Jack thought.
Logan tried smiling - that was something that still
didn't quite look natural on him - and introduced
himself to the kid.   She looked scared, but Jack
could tell she was listening to Logan's pitch.  He'd
heard it a few times - look, kid, I'm a mutie too, so
is my friend here.  You don't hafta live on the road,
we got a place.  No strings, just come and try it out.
We're on the up and up.  You can trust us.  You can
leave anytime you want - we won't make ya stay.  Most
kids had been on the run long enough to be skeptical.
That's when the girl usually jumped in to help Logan
out.  She don't talk.  But she'll tell ya - it's on
the up and up.  The girl nodded enthusiastically and
took the kid's hand in hers.  Like I said, she's a
mutie too.  You can trust us.  Then the girl gave the
kid a sincere look.  That's where most of the kids buy
in, Jack reflected, they trust the girl's big brown

This kid looked like she was a yes.  Jack could
already see her nodding a little and smiling at the
girl.  It probably would've been just another easy
pick-up if the New Yorkers hadn't shown up.  Jack knew
them right away - they were wearing leather outfits
and one had the sunglasses Logan had described.  He
knew that Logan had picked up on them too - he was
angling his body to face them squarely, even as he
tried to keep an even expression on his face and his
eyes on the kid.  Jack reached for the shotgun beneath
the bar and casually set it on the counter top.
Silence fell over the whole room - Jack's gesture was
not lost on any of the patrons.  They began to slowly
clear out. 

Logan leaned over a little toward the girl.  "Don't
panic, darlin', but they're here."  Logan shifted the
now-very-alarmed girl behind him and reached his other
hand out for Mary's arm.  "Just sit tight.  We got a
little situation here."

The man with the sunglasses stopped a few feet from
them and spoke.  "It's good to see you again.  We've
been wondering how you both were."  His tone was kind,
but is body language was tense. 

"Why dontcha both just clear on outta here, huh?  You
don't belong here."  Logan's voice was low-key as
well, but the girl was clutching herself tightly to
Logan's back, and was now shaking.  Jack tightened his
grip on the shotgun and lazily pointed it in the
direction of the two New Yorkers. 

"It is good to see you again, Rogue."  The
white-haired woman was speaking to Logan's girl, but
she didn't respond with any of her usual gestures.
She looked at the floor, and that made Jack's
apprehension jump a notch.  He could almost see the
girl shutting down, and his gut was telling him that
these two were somehow involved in whatever happened
that had taken away her speech.  "We have all been
very concerned about you."  The woman sounded sincere,
but Jack trusted Logan and Rogue's reactions more than
he did the pleasant words of strangers. 

"What's going on?"  Mary stammered.

"We, ah, came here to talk to you," the male New
Yorker offered.  "We help kids like yourself,
mutants."  Rogue reacted to that, and for a moment,
Jack thought he could see her shoulders shake. 
"They already offered to help me."  Mary took an
unconscious step closer to Logan. 

"That's right.  So why dontcha go on your way, huh?
Nothin' to see here." 

"You're going to help her?"  The man seemed skeptical.
"What do you mean by that?"

"None of your business.  Now, you ain't welcome here,
so move along."  Rogue peeked out from behind Logan's
shoulder, still not quite looking at the New Yorkers.

"Rogue - it has been so long since we have seen you.
Perhaps - perhaps you would like to talk."  Logan
growled at that, a low, warning growl that made Mary
jump a little.  Rogue came out of her seeming trance
at that and put a hand on Mary's shoulder.  Mary found
Rogue's eyes and returned the reassuring smile that
had appeared on her face. 

"Get on outta my bar."  Jack, deciding that it *was*
his property after all, put in his own two cents. 

"But - but - "

"Get," Jack cut off the man's stammering and raised
the shotgun so that the barrel pointed to the center
of his chest.  That seemed to convince him, at least a
little - he took a step backwards.  "Go on," Jack

"Where can we reach you?"  The white-haired woman took
a step backward as well, but her eyes stayed with

"You stay the hell away from us," Logan answered for
her.  Jack waved the business end of the shotgun at
them one more time, and they finally left.  He could
see that Rogue had visibly relaxed at their departure.
"You OK?"  Logan had caught Rogue's eye and she
nodded.  "How 'bout you?"  Mary nodded as well even
before Logan had finished turning to face her. 

"They gonna try somethin' on your way back home?"

"Dunno, Jack."  Logan put an arm around Rogue and drew
her to his side.  "Can I use your phone?  Better call
Hank and warn him just in case."  Rogue tugged at
Logan's shirt a little and pointed to the phone, then
pointed to them.  "Yeah, I'll see if he'll meet us
halfway.  Good idea."  Rogue nodded, once.  Jack
handed over the house phone.  As Logan punched the
buttons, Jack caught Rogue's eye. 

"Nice to meet ya, Rogue."  He winked at her in a
friendly way to punctuate the statement, and she
returned a dazzling, but brief, smile.

Logan spoke softly into the phone for a few moments
and then hung up.  "He'll meet us at the province
line, there's a little town.  Let's get goin'."  Both
Rogue and Mary nodded, and Rogue shot a parting
thankful glance toward Jack. 

They were quiet as they began the four-hour trip to
the province line.  Logan sat in front, trying to
concentrate on driving and doing a poor job of hiding
his anger at the X-men's intrusion.  Marie sat in the
passenger seat, alternately looking out the window and
looking at Logan.  Mary sat in the back seat,
fidgeting and wondering just what she'd gotten herself
into.  At about an hour into the drive, she gathered
her nerve and decided to just ask.  "Who were those
people?"  Logan and Marie exchanged a look.  "I  I
appreciate your help and all, but could you tell me
what's going on?  Are we in some kind of danger?"

Marie tilted her head and frowned, casting a
meaningful look at Logan.  He sighed and then nodded.
"I dunno if we're in trouble yet or not.  Those people
they run a school for mutie kids out east, in New
York.  Marie  Marie usedta go there."

"Did something happen to her there?"  Logan let out an
audible growl at that.  "Uh, I mean  " Marie
interrupted Mary by turning and smiling at her, then
giving an apologetic shrug. 

"Sorry 'bout that.  But it kinda makes me mad to think
back on it."  Marie put her hand on Logan's leg and
gave him an encouraging smile too.  "Yeah, somethin'
did happen.  I hadta leave Marie with 'em for a while
and they didn't do a good job of watchin' her.  She
got attacked by this other mutant  a real asshole, a
real psycho named Sabretooth.  They didn't protect
her, and Marie, she got hurt pretty bad by him."
Logan looked over at her with regret clearly shining
out of his eyes.  "Still sorry for that, darlin'.
Never shoulda left ya."  Marie leaned over to kiss his
cheek, over his sideburns.  "Anyhow, Marie's power
finally killed that fuckin' bastard.  Her skin, it
absorbs the life outta whoever she touches and she
gets their powers.  Sabretooth's power was healin', so
she was OK.  Well, kinda.  Physically, she was fine,
she healed, but her power  Marie gets a lotta the
person and their memories up in her head when she
touches 'em.  And like I said, this guy was a full-on
psycho, so it kinda freaked Marie out for a while."

Mary noticed Marie's eyes travel to the floor as Logan
continued.  "The people she was stayin' with  those
two were some of 'em  didn't really wanna take the
time to figure out how to help Marie, you know, in her
head.  They had fancy telepaths and doctors and shit,
but all they did was drug her up.  The drugs, they
just made it worse  givin' her hallucinations and
nightmares and shit.  But they just kept on druggin'
her, never tried anythin' else, and they kept her
locked up in this little cage."  Marie was frowning
quite a bit now, and an angry, bitter tone had
surfaced in Logan's voice.  "By the time I got back,
she'd been like that for three months  all wild, not
talkin', hurtin' real bad."  Logan paused to look over
at Marie, then reached out a gloved hand to tilt her
head up to face him, so that she could see the
reassuring smile he gave.  She smiled a little in
return as he gave her cheek a gentle caress.  "Well,
as soon as I got back and found out what happened, I
wanted to take her up outta there.  They said no.
Marie, she was still a kid then, not quite eighteen,
and the head guy, this guy named Chuck, he had legal
authority over her or whatever.  So I said fine, OK,
I'd just stay at the mansion with her then, no
problem.  Two days later, I busted her out, wrecked
the lab they had there and some other shit, and took
her to Canada with me.  She's been gettin' a lot
better.  We looked all over for a doctor to help her
out and finally found a good one  that's Hank, the
guy we're meetin' up with.  He really helped Marie out
no drugs, just talkin' and meditation and shit, me
touchin' her sometimes to help her out up in her head.
She  Marie's pretty good now.  We're still workin'
on the talkin' thing, but she's doin' real good."
Marie beamed at that, and Logan patted her leg in

"The point is, those people, they like to think that
they're a buncha do-gooders, ya know?  They go 'round,
pickin' up mutie kids, tellin' 'em that they're gonna
take care of 'em  feed 'em, house 'em, send 'em to
school  but what they don't tell ya is that when push
comes to shove, they don't really give a shit about
ya.  All they care about is their little school and
shit.  They don't really care 'bout the kids 'cept in
as much as they can help out around the place.  They
sure as shit didn't care give a damn 'bout Marie." 

"Is that why you  you helped me out?  Because you
didn't want me to go there?"  Marie nodded their
answer, and Logan elaborated.

"We got a place  not a school like those guys got,
but you can go to the local school if you wanna.  The
younger kids  fifteen and younger 'cause that's when
the law says you can decide to drop out if you wanna
they kinda gotta go.  The older kids can decide if
they wanna do that or take the equivalency exam.  Made
a coupla good friends, a coupla connections, and
there's some trades you can take up after passin' the
equivalency exam if you wanna learn.  You gotta
respect the house rules  no drugs, no stealin', no
fightin'  and you gotta pitch in and help out around
the place, but that's it.  Otherwise, you take some
time to get on your feet, decide what you wanna do,
and if we can help ya out with that, we will."

"It sounds nice," Mary offered.

"Well, it ain't no fancy mansion, but it's a nice
piece of land, out in the country.  Next to a little
town that's fairly mutie-friendly.  Oh, shit  that
reminds me  uh, I should mention a few things 'bout
Hank, the doctor we'll be meetin'."  Logan exchanged
an uncertain glance with Marie.  She pursed her lips
and nodded.  "He's a real good guy, a mutie like us,
but he's a little different-lookin'.  He's covered in
blue fur and he'd got fangs and claws and shit.  Just
don't be too surprised when you see him.  He looks
kinda scary, but he's smart as hell and he's one of
the nicest guys you'd ever wanna meet."

"Blue fur?  I don't think I've ever heard of that

"Long story.  Maybe Hank'll tell it to ya.  Hey  do
you need  are you OK?  Do you need any medical help?"
Mary's cast her eyes down, looking almost ashamed.
"It's OK if ya do.  Hank  he knows how to take care
of pretty much everythin'.  He's a good doctor."
Marie tugged at Logan's sleeve a little and
purposefully widened her eyes while tilting her head
in Mary's direction.  "Uh, if ya got, you know, female
things, Hank does OK with those.  He's a gentleman,
you know.  But Marie or one of the other girls can
stay with ya if you need a doctor to take a look at
that kinda stuff."

"OK," Mary answered in a trembly voice.  Marie reached
back to pat her leg.  This wasn't the first young girl
who had need of that kind of medical attention they'd
picked up. 

"Whew."  Logan relaxed a little, having just completed
his least favorite part of these conversations.
"Well, good then.  We should be comin' up on the
province line in a little while."  Marie sunk back
into her seat too, as they all sped toward their
rendezvous with Hank.

Soooo....what happens next:

1) Hank meets up with Logan, Marie and Mary, but so do
the X-men..
2) We get to hear Hank's story without interruption by
the X-men (at least not yet).
3) Mary's mutation manifests itself on the ride and we
learn more about her.

And the Winner was #3.....NEXT


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