If You Run Into Trouble, Talk to These People

Terri/Keli Mailing List ~ Join this list and make sure you get the stories fresh in your mailbox!  You'll also be notified of site
updates and changes.

Terri and Keli ~ For general information about the Peep Hut. Archive contents (such as permission to use a story), feedback, complaints, all that fun correspondence stuff.

Marrie, Nadine and Deejay ~ Say thanks to the girls who provide the Peep Hut with amazing graphics to accompany the fics!

Amezri ~ This is the talented person who created the Peep Hut's brand new look.   She'd be happy to design a fantastic website for you, too!

Taryn ~ She's the ever-patient WebMistress of this site. Report any broken links, missing pages, or other weird stuff to her.



All writing contained within is property of Terri & Keli. No peeps have been harmed in the making of this site. Do not steal. Stealing is bad. Thieves will be hunted down by the Peep Army. There will be no mercy.
Site layout and images © Astrumignis Productions.
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